Tuesday, March 15, 2011

airplanes, blimps... and us.

Earlier this evening my Dad took Abby, Beth and I flying... it was SO much fun, and the weather was just gorgeous and perfect for it. Abby and Beth both have their own cameras now, so they're like picture crazy... lol Enjoy! My house!!!


  1. Oooooh! It is so amazingly fun to go flying. :D I went with some of my friends once and got to see my house. Sooooo fun! :D
    Don't those things you wear on your heads when flying (yeah.. I really sound intelligent right now...) so awesome feeling?!?! xD lol

  2. Yep, I LOVE it!! And the headsets.. yeah they're cool! You look like a dork with em, but it's all part of the experience!! lol ;)


Hey, leave me a comment! They make me happy. :)

God bless...
