Monday, May 21, 2012

keep your head up-

Hey my people! 
How's Monday treating you? My Monday started out with a doctor's appointment waaay too early. Yay right? I mean who doesn't love the doctor? Woot woot. Anyways, after that... went to lunch with my mom, and we ran into people who apparently we used to go to church with like a gazillion years ago. So they were all like, 'Hannah! We remember when you were a baby!! You've grown up!'. Of course I was just like, 'right, yeah, I have! You too...'. No I'm kidding. They were cool. (I really didn't remember them though.... hehe) so after that we went shopping for camp. Which will be here... in like 3 weeks. ish. Have I mentioned how stoked I am about that? If not... I really, really am! I'm pretty sure it will be one unforgettable week. I'm sooo grateful to be able to a part of this, and can't wait to see what God does. :) This is the camp we'll be helping with... 
So yes, after all of that lovely stuff... I went and worked out w/ my mom and sis. Oh yes I did. I know, I know... surprising! We're so lame though, as soon as we leave the gym... where do we go? If you're thinking somewhere healthy like... okay I can't actually think of anyplace healthy, but that doesn't matter anyway... cuz we didn't go THERE. We went to Baskin Robbins. >.< Haha... yeah, yeah. It's kind of a lot a bit amusing. #exercisinglikeaboss

Sooo, there's Monday in a nutshell. :) 

And I won't lie... I am a big Andy Grammer fan, and I've had this song on repeat on my phone all day. It's annoying when I do that, because after a few weeks I end up hating the song! Lol But no, not this one... neva eva! It makes me happy. (: 

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God bless...
